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Friday, November 18, 2011

Current Events: Jupiter Moon has "Shallow lakes"
By: Jennifer Carpenter
Source: BBC News

                According to Brittney Shmidt  life may exist on Jupiter's moon, Europa. When scientists further studied the moon's surface, there was evidence that suggests Europa might have water underneath it's surface. Europa's surface is a thick layer of ice about 6km deep, but something about the surface isn't quite right. The ice on the surface is not flat, but crushed and cracked. This suggests that small lakes underneath the ice are forcing the ice up making cracks and destroying it. Not only do scientists see evidence of small lakes but there also might be a whole ocean roughly 100 miles deep and resting 10-30 kilometers beneath the surface.All of this could mean that there is life on Europa. This discovery has inspired a mission to Europa, and scientists hope that by the end of the decade or at the beginning of the next decade.
           When I first saw this article I was a bit surprised since I've always thought that there is no water outside of Earth. This was a very interesting article and I think that if there is life on Europa it could have a huge impact on the scientific world. I chose this article because I thought that it was really interesting and other people should see it too. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting. I knew there was water on Europa, but I wonder what we would do with this information? Would we try to collect organisms from Jupiter's moon? Maybe some of the organisms that is on Europa is found on our planet too.
